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How We Work

How do we choose the right candidates?

A few considerations, such as solid job requirements, screening and evaluation procedures and formulating the best interview questions, are deciding factors to take into account when it comes to selecting the right applicant for a job.

However this is just the tip of the iceberg to guarantee that candidates have the credentials for the job. It is also important to ensure that the candidate blends in with the atmosphere of your company and the team they will be part of.

Another best practice we implement at Strategic Human Resources Solutions is to involve staff and managers of the department we are looking for candidates. We make the team members participate in phases like screening and the selection process to evaluate better how candidates will actually fit in thier positions.

During the interview process, we focus more on accomplishment, rather than experience, knowledge and skills. This allow us to determine how candidates have reached those achievements and the impact for their past organizations. The evidence of great results taken on difficult challenges show us the resilence of the candidate to overcome obstacles, which makes them sometimes a better prospect than candidates with impressive skills only.

There are many other aspects that we take into consideration, such as giving the candidates a problem to solve. We find out if they arere passionate about the job they do, but most important of all is to make sure to look beyond the skills and how candidates look on paper. The best candidate should have the necessary skills but also have the ability to grow and fit your organizational culture.